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18 January 2024
Jom Bersama-sama: Capturing Diesel Customer via StarCard

18 January 2024, Sunday – Branded Marketer Pen Petroleum Sdn Bhd hosted virtual meetings themed “Jom Bersama-sama: Capturing Diesel Customer via StarCard” for all stations under their network. Close to 100 attendees were present for each session including Retail Partners, the Chevron team, Station Managers, CSRs, and Pen Petroleum’s BCs.
The objective of this meeting was to reinforce the importance of securing diesel customers via Caltex StarCard in line with the announcement of the Subsidised Diesel Control Scheme Application (SKDS). The meeting covered strategies to secure StarCard customers and some preparation tips for all retailers to be well-prepared for the new subsidy program before its deployment by the government.
Here are some of the key takeaways from the meeting:
A. Motivational message to Retail Partners: Better to Capture Now or Capture None.
B. Immediate actionables for Retail Partners before SKDS:-
- Convert Local Account to StarCard
- New Sign Up for StarCard
- Familiarise with StarCard Online Submission
- Display posters at stations (TBA)
- Educate CSRs
- Never provide misleading information regarding SKDS or collect data illegally
- Maintain good relationship with Diesel customers
- Preparation of hardware
Chevron Malaysia thanks Pen Petroleum Sdn Bhd in taking the initiative to prepare and educate the Retail Partners before the deployment of SKDS.
Pen Petroleum - Preparing for SKDS

17 February 2024
Pen Petroleum- Bowling Tournament with DOSH Kelantan

17 Feb 2024, Saturday – DOSH Kelantan recently organised a bowling tournament at the Lite Superbowl JB7, Mydin Mall Tunjong, Kota Bahru. The tournament was participated by Branded Marketer Pen Petroleum‘s BMBCs and 7 Kelantan Retail Partners.
The tournament was a fun-filled weekend where the Retail Partners and BMBCs had a great time while building a closer relationship with DOSH Kelantan. The Pen Petroleum – Caltex Retail Partners team secured the 5th position out of the 25 participating teams.
The following 7 Retails Partners joined Pen Petroleum at the bowling tournament:
- Adri Emas Sdn Bhd
- MRN Maju Trading
- Othomats Petrol Servis Station
- Othomats Filling Servis Station
- Sri Astana Petroleum Sdn. Bhd.
- Sri Melor Mutiara Trading
- Tumpat Service Station
Pen Petroleum expresses gratitude to Encik Zulhanim from Chevron for his support and for taking the time to attend the event.
Pen Petroleum - Bowling Tournament with DOSH Kelantan

12 March 2024
Pen Petroleum – Roadshow SKDS Rancak Di Utara!

1 hari selepas pengumuman pembukaan pendaftaran portal MySubsidi, pasukan Pen Petroleum dengan serta merta mengadakan siri-siri ‘roadshow SKDS’ di pelbagai lokasi, khasnya di kawasan Utara.
Pen Petroleum bekerjasama rapat dengan Rakan Niaga kami dan pasukan mereka di pelbagai lokasi secara serentak untuk memperkenalkan SKDS kepada pelanggan-pelanggan. Kami menjejak kaki ke stesen, pejabat pelanggan, pejabat pihak KPDN, dewan hotel, atas talian dan sebagainya untuk menjangkau ke para pelanggan dari pelbagai latar belakang.
Semasa roadshow, kami menerangkan mengenai syarat-syarat kelayakan dan proses permohonan MySubsidi. Kami perlu bertindak pantas supaya pelanggan-pelanggan memilih jenama Caltex sebagai pembekal minyak 100%. Pada masa yang sama, kami juga mengadakan sesi-sesi perjumpaan dengan pelanggan untuk berkongsikan kelebihan Kad Subsidi Caltex.
Kami ingin mengucapkan ribuan terima kasih kepada semua yang kerja bertungkus-lumus dalam program SKDS kami di atas, terutamanya kepada ahli pasukan dan Rakan Niaga Muslim kami. Ini kerana walaupun program SKDS ini dilancarkan semasa bulan Ramadan, mereka masih menunjukkan keazaman yang amat tinggi dalam mencari pelanggan SKDS tanpa melengahkan masa. Kami menyanjung tinggi semangat dan dedikasi mereka.
Kami juga berterima kasih kepada pasukan Chevron yang hadir bersama di roadshow SKDS kami.

15 March 2024
It’s the Season of TnGo for all!
On 15 March 2024, Caltex launched its National Promotion “Caltex Rewards x Touch ‘n Go RM5 Cashback”. Customers who pumped a minimum of RM20 will get the cash back of RM5 at the subsequent fueling of minimum RM30.
Meanwhile, under Pen Petroleum’s network, Xpress Point had also launched TnGo promotion known as “Beli & Menang Duit Raya”. Under this promotion, customers who spent a minimum of RM30 in any Xpress Point outlet in April may earn an entry to win RM50 TnGo reload credit. Additionally, Coca-Cola also came in to launch “Beli & Menang Hadiah Bernilai RM500,000” at our Xpress Point Stores. Customers who buy any 3 selected beverages will entitle to win grand prizes, including RM100 TnGo reload credit to be won weekly.
Separately, on 29th March 2024, Pen Petroleum and our Penang retailers joined force to support KPDN Penang’s initiative at the Bazaar Ramadan Rahmah (BRR) Kubang Semang, Penang. In this event, early bazaar visitors will get RM20 TnGo reload pin from the KPDN. At the BRR, Pen Petroleum took the opportunity to Turun Padang to promote all the above TnGo promotions available at our Caltex stations and Xpress Point stores. Video Link at: https://youtu.be/fPwNFeAhrpw
On top of that, we also set up booth to promote Caltex Rewards and Diesel Subsidy Card to the bazaar visitors and sellers. Thanks to Chevron and Xpress Point team for supplying premium gift and freebies, which really works wonder as crowd puller. In the meantime, during the BRR, we also gave out RM50 StarCash to selected Menu Rahmah seller. This is to aligned with the KPDN’s direction to encourage more sellers to sell Menu Rahmah at the bazaar. More news at: https://www.facebook.com/share/V6Zw4WJXxZSMcn6N/

19 March 2024
Pen Petroleum - Turun Padang di BRR (Bazaar Ramadan Rahmah) Kubur Panjang, Kedah
- Pada 19hb Mac 2024, Bazaar Ramadan Rahmah (BRR) Kubur Panjang, Kedah telah dilancarkan oleh KPDN Kedah. Pengarah KPDN Kedah Tuan Mohammad Nizam Bin Jamaludin telah hadir untuk sesi agihan Kad StarCash bersama dengan pasukan Pen Petroleum.
- Pen Petroleum bergabung tenaga dengan Rakan Niaga Caltex Kedah di bawah rangkaian kami untuk menyokong inisiatif KPDN, pada masa yang sama mengambil peluang ini untuk mempromosikan CaltexGo dan Kad Diesel Bersubsidi (SKDS) Caltex.
- KPDN Kedah memberikan pengiktirafan kepada Pen Petroleum dan Stesen Minyak Caltex Kedah di bawah rangkaian kami atas usaha kami dalam menyokong inisiatif mereka di Bazaar Ramadan Rahmah. Kami amat bangga kerana berjaya mendaftarkan 95 pelanggan CaltexGo dalam masa 2 jam. Selain itu, kami berjaya mendapat pelanggan SKDS berpotensi daripada acara tersebut.
- Kami mengucapkan ribuan terima kasih kepada Rakan Niaga Caltex yang menyertai Turun Padang BRR ini bersama kami iaitu:
Stesen yang menyumbang kepada program ini: | Stesen yang menghadiri program ini: | ||
AA & T Business Resources Sdn Bhd | AA & T Business Resources Sdn Bhd | ||
Abdul Alim Bin Md.Saad | Abdul Alim Bin Md.Saad | ||
Bandar Baru Tanah Merah Sdn Bhd | Crop-Chem Sdn Bhd | ||
Crop-Chem Sdn Bhd | Shoda Niaga Sdn Bhd | ||
Full Sheng Enterprise Sdn Bhd | Sri Nerang Sdn Bhd | ||
Guar Lobak Gasoline | |||
Hock Hin | |||
Jabi Petroleum Sdn Bhd | |||
Koperasi Pegawai-Pegawai Kerajaan Negeri Kedah Darul Aman Berhad | |||
M Petroleum Sdn Bhd | |||
Mahang Gasoline | |||
Mason Enterprise Sdn Bhd | |||
Ming Hock Station Sdn Bhd | |||
Muda Jaya Service Station Sdn Bhd | |||
Pen Cempaka Sdn Bhd | |||
Perniagaan Nikmat Damai | |||
Petrola Trading (Bedong) Sdn Bhd | |||
PPP Utama Enterprise | |||
Shoda Niaga Sdn Bhd | |||
Sri Nerang Sdn Bhd | |||
Stesyen Minyak Mergong Utama | |||
T & AA Resources Sdn Bhd | |||
Zakaria Bin Murad |
- Pada petang tersebut, cuaca amat panas sehingga mencecah 38 degree celcius. Ia adalah antara cuaca yang paling panas di sepanjang pengalaman turun Padang kami. Namun, kami masih turun Padang Bersama Rakan Niaga dan pasukan Pen dan Chevron, kami masih giat mempromosi CaltexGo dan SKDS kepada pengunjung bazaar. Malahan, ada Rakan Niaga Muslim yang sedang Berpuasa pada masa tersebut. Kami ingin mengucapkan jutaan terima kasih kepada para Rakan Niaga dan pasukan Pen dan Chevron yang menunjukkan dedikasi yang tinggi dalam menjayakan program ini.
- Kami juga berterima kasih kepada pasukan Chevron Malaysia kerana menyediakan hadiah-hadiah premium Caltex sebagai tanda penghargaan kepada pelanggan-pelanggan Caltex.
- Liputan berita termasuk: https://www.bernama.com/bm/news.php?id=2280684

28 March 2024
Program Kongsi Rezeki Sempena Bulan Ramadan 2024
Pen Petroleum ingin berkongsi bahawa Rakan Niaga kami telah mengadakan program khas “Kongsi Rezeki” bersama pelanggan sebagai tanda terima kasih atas sokongan yang diberikan kepada stesen Caltex. Pen Petroleum pernah melancarkan program “Infaq Kasih” pada beberapa tahun yang lalu, dan selanjutnya pihak Rakan Niaga kami terus menjalankan aktiviti penghargaan pelanggan di atas inisiatif Rakan Niaga sendiri.
Menerusi program ini, pihak stesen telah memberikan secara percuma kepada pelanggan barang-barang sumbangan seperti bubur lambuk, telur ayam, minuman tin dan sebagainya.
Rakan Niaga serta pasukan mereka yang membuat program ini turut mempromosikan CaltexGo dan SKDS kepada pelanggan. Xpress Point juga akan menyokong inisiatif ini dengan memberikan freebies untuk memeriahkan lagi program Kongsi Rezeki ini.
Kami mengucapkan terima kasih kepada semua pelanggan Caltex atas sokongan yang diberikan. Tidak lupa juga kami berterima kasih kepada pasukan Pen Petroleum dan Chevron yang hadir ke stesen pada hari program Kongsi Rezeki yang berkenaan.
Terima kasih.
29 March 2024
Pen Petroleum – ‘Brand Awareness’ Turung Padang di Negeri Perlis

· Caltex adalah jenama stesen minyak yang mempunyai penampilan yang paling banyak di negeri Perlis (25.6% daripada jumlah stesen minyak Perlis. *Data daripada pembentangan pihak KPDN Perlis pada November 2023).
· Antaranya, 8 stesen minyak Caltex di negeri Perlis adalah di bawah rangkaian Pen Petroleum. Justeru, amat penting bagi kami untuk terus menaikkan nama baik jenama Caltex di kalangan warga Perlis.
· Pada 29hb Mac 2024, dengan kehadiran DYTM Raja Muda Perlis, Menteri Besar Perlis, Pengarah KPDN Perlis dan Ketua Polis Perlis, Bazaar Ramadan Rahmah (BRR) Perlis telah dilancarkan secara rasmi. Acara ini disertai oleh sekurang-kurangnya 1,000 orang pengunjung.
· Pen Petroleum dilantik sebagai Rakan Strategik KPDN Perlis. Pasukan kami telah turun padang di BRR untuk memberikan Starcash RM50 kepada penjual yang menawarkan Menu Rahmah di BRR Kangar Jaya.
· Pada masa yang sama, kami juga bekerjasama dengan wakil Chevron Cik Emi Nashellah dan Rakan Niaga Perlis serta pasukan mereka dalam mempromosikan CaltexGo dan SKDS untuk meningkatkan kesedaran masyarakat Perlis terhadap jenama Caltex. Respon yang diterima amat memberangsangkan, dengan hampir 200 pendaftaran baru dalam masa 1.5 jam.
· “Promosi 1 liter 2 mata sangat menarik!”, maklum balas daripada salah satu pelanggan sedia ada yang sentiasa menyokong Caltex. Para pelanggan turut memberi komen mengenai kualiti bahan api Caltex yang tinggi berbanding jenama lain. Kami amat gembira dapat membina hubungan dengan pelanggan sedia ada dan pelanggan baru semasa acara tersebut.
· Kami percaya bahawa kehadiran kami di Turun Padang tersebut berjaya meningkatkan lagi nama jenama Caltex di kalangan warga Perlis.
Video link: https://youtube.com/shorts/
· Liputan berita di: https://www.facebook.com/

30 March 2024
Pen Petroleum Turun Padang CaltexGo di Kota Bahru

Jika ditanyakan apakah produk/perkhidmatan jenama Caltex yang popular di pasaran pada masa ini? Jawapannya,
- Bahan api bertaraf 5-bintang (Techron);
- Program loyalti Caltex Rewards (1 liter 2 mata);
- Kad Diesel Bersubsidi SKDS.
Di Pen Petroleum, kami sentiasa mencari peluang untuk memperkenalkan produk-produk dan perkhidmatan Caltex kepada pelanggan kami. Salah satu strateginya, pasukan Pen Petroleum telah menjangkau ke bazaar Ramadan di Mydin Tunjong, Kota Bharu buat kali yang pertama untuk memasarkan produk-produk dan perkhidmatan Caltex yang dinamakan di atas.
Pada 30hb Mac 2024 (Sabtu), kami turun padang di tapak bazaar Mydin Tunjong untuk memperkenalkan aplikasi mobil Caltex Go kepada para pengunjung bazaar. Setiap pengunjung yang memuat turun Caltex Go akan menerima hadiah-hadiah percuma daripada kami, contohnya figurin Batmobile (tajaan Chevron Malaysia) serta snek dan minuman (tajaan Xpress Point).
Sambil memperkenalkan Caltex Rewards, buat pelanggan baru Caltex, kami turut berkongsikan kebaikan bahan api Techron, contohnya perjalanan yang lebih jauh.
Selain itu, Pen Petroleum Sdn Bhd bersama-sama dengan Rakan Niaga Kelantan telah bergabung tenaga untuk menghadiahkan StarCash yang bernilai RM50 kepada Penjual Menu Rahmah terpilih di bazaar tersebut. Objektif kami adalah untuk menyokong penjual Menu Rahmah selaras dengan inisiatif Bazaar Ramadan Rahmah (BRR) yang disarankan oleh pihak KPDN.
Semasa berjumpa dengan penjual-penjual dan pengunjung di bazaar, kami juga berkongsi dengan mereka berkenaan dengan MySubsidi Diesel yang diumumkan oleh pihak kerajaan kebelakangan ini. Kami memberi panduan kepada mereka mengenai syarat-syarat kelayakan subsidi, dan menyarankan mereka untuk memilih Caltex sebagai 100% syarikat minyak.
Pada akhir aktiviti, kami telah berjaya melanggani 186 pendaftaran CaltexGo baru.
Pen Petroleum mengucapkan ribuan terima kasih kepada pihak Chevron dan para Rakan Niaga Kelantan yang telah menyumbangkan dana bersama-sama dengan Pen, serta sudi meluangkan masa untuk menghadiri turun padang tersebut.
Liputan berita di: https://www.facebook.com/share/p/y3VXPwnsCUdSMkoz/?mibextid=qi2Omg

31 March 2024
Pen Petroleum - Cross Fuel Promotion LSM - Hello Taiping

Pen Petroleum collaborated with its Taiping and Kuala Kangsar station network to launch the “Hello Taiping” LSM promotion. The promotion ran from 15 January to 29 February 2024. Customers who made a minimum purchase of RM20 in a single receipt on fuel or mart items could purchase one (1) 400g Massimo Sandwich Loaf for a promotional price of RM2. The original price of the loaf is RM3.
This LSM initiative aimed to engage with the local community in Taiping and Kuala Kangsar by providing valuable offers to loyal customers. This promotion was successful in capturing the attention of customers residing near the participating stations, generating positive feedback and increased footfall.
The participating stations were:
- Caltex Medan Taiping (AllStar Legacy Sdn Bhd)
- Caltex Simpang (AllStar Networks Sdn Bhd)
- Caltex Jalan Kamunting (Stesen Alor Bintang Sdn Bhd)
- Caltex Assam Kumbang (CF Service Station Sdn Bhd)
- Caltex Sungai Siput (Hoon Kheng Service Station Sdn Bhd)
Pen Petroleum and the Retail Partners appreciate the continued support of our Caltex customers.
Pen Petroleum - Cross Fuel Promotion LSM - Hello Taiping

30 August 2023
Welcome to the family - Urban R&R Sdn Bhd

30 August 2023, Wednesday — Chevron welcomes Urban R&R Sdn Bhd as the latest addition to the Caltex network in Malaysia. Located at Jitra – Kedah, the new Caltex station comes with an impressive 8-pump island configuration.
They are open 18 hours daily from 6am to 12am and will convert to 24-hours once all NFRs are operational. Other than the popular McDonalds Drive Thru, there are other amazing offerings coming soon for the community as well such as a Starbucks Drive Thru, FamilyMart, Subway, Krispy Kreme and Mailboxes etc. These offerings would definitely be a great addition to the surrounding community in which they will enjoy when visiting Caltex Jitra.
Chevron Malaysia wishes to thank all parties and stakeholders involved in adding another station to our Caltex network.
Caltex Jitra

28 July 2023
Welcome to the family - Setar Quay Sdn Bhd

28 July 2023, Thursday — The latest station in the Caltex network is by Setar Quay Sdn Bhd. Located at Vortex Business Park in Simpang Empat, this new Caltex station comes with 6+1 pump island configuration.
They are open 17 hours daily from 6am to 11pm and have really attractive F&B offerings for the community with a 7-Eleven, Burger King and a brand new Zus Coffee branch coming soon! These outlets would definitely be a great addition to the surrounding community to enjoy at Caltex Metrioplace.
Chevron Malaysia wishes to thank all parties and stakeholders involved in adding another station to our Caltex network.
Caltex Metrioplace

26 July 2023
Welcome to the family - Mohamad Satar Enterprise (Tok Bali)

26 July 2023, Wednesday – Chevron welcomes Mohamad Satar Enterprise (Tok Bali) as the latest addition to the Caltex network in Malaysia. Located in Pasir Panjang in Kelantan, this new Caltex station comes with 4+1 pump island configuration.
They are open daily from 6.30am to 11.30pm everyday with an XpressPoint Mart coming soon to serve the community in Pasir Panjang.
Chevron Malaysia wishes to thank all parties and stakeholders involved in adding another station to our Caltex network.
Caltex Pasir Panjang (Tok Bali)

4 - 26 July 2023
Title: Joining Forces with Our Retail Partners - Jom Bersama-Sama!
In July, Pen Petroleum hosted a series of “Jom Bersama-sama 2023 – Level Up CaltexKu” meeting in Perlis, Kedah, Kelantan and Kelantan. The programs were attended by 150 Retailers and CSR from 85 stations across Pen’s network.
As we enter the second half of 2023, we aim to guide our Retail Partners on the strategic focus areas in the petrol station business. Together, we focused on driving profitable growth, operational excellence, “1 Liter 2 Points”, and the exciting Caltex proprietary loyalty program – Caltex Rewards!
We are honored to have speakers from Chevron Malaysia Limited and various government agencies of different states such as KPDN, JKKP, PDRM and BOMBA to reiterate the best practices relevant to petrol station to our attendees. This opportunity allowed us to consistently optimize our processes and ensure the highest level of customer satisfaction.
Topics covered in this program included:-
- Pematuhan & Penguatkuasaan Lesen PDA, Lesen CSA dan Permit Khas
- Sistem Kawalan Diesel Bersubsidi (SKDS)
- Program Pematuhan DOSH Dealer-Dealer Caltex
- Go-To-Safety-Point (GTSP)
- Volunteer Smartphone Patrol (VSP)
- Penggunaan Alat Pemadam Api
- Keselamatan dan Rawatan Kecemasan
We thank our Retail Partners and staff for spending their time and effort to be present with us. We also express our gratitude to our principal, Chevron Malaysia Limited for their continuous support in this program.
04 July 2023
04 July 2023
GTSP Refresher and Onboarding Session - Pen Petroleum Sdn Bhd

4 July 2023, Tuesday — Branded Marketer Pen Petroleum Sdn Bhd hosted its yearly meeting themed “Jom Bersama-sama Perlis 2023” with their Perlis Retailers. As part of this year’s program, Pen Petroleum also organised a Go-To-Safety-Point (GTSP) refresher session for the 2 enrolled stations and an introduction session for the 6 stations that were not yet enrolled in the GTSP program.
Spearheaded by PDRM, the GTSP refresher session enabled participating service stations to act as a safe haven for the public and to provide assistance in terms of:
- A rest area for victims;
- A place to calm the victim and provide early basic treatment;
- A place to contact PDRM, the fire brigade, hospital or other relevant agencies for immediate assistance
After the refresher session, there were a few informative talks by representatives from Chevron’s StarCard team, Ibu Pejabat Kontinjen (IPK) Perlis, Kementerian Perdagangan Dalam Negeri dan Kos Sara Hidup (KPDN) Perlis, and Jabatan Keselamatan dan Kesihatan Pekerjaan (JKKP). Before wrapping up for the day, there was a fire extinguishing demonstration by Jabatan Bomba dan Penyelamat (Bomba) Perlis.
Chevron Malaysia thanks Pen Petroleum Sdn Bhd for organising this initiative for the Retail Partners.
GTSP Session - Pen Petroleum Sdn Bhd

30 May 2023
30 May 2023
(Video) “Jom Turun Padang” - Pen Petroleum & Retail Partners (Kedah, Penang & Perlis)
In line with KPDN’s “Ramadan Rahmah” Bazaar initiative, Branded Marketer Pen Petroleum Sdn Bhd worked together with Retail Partners in Kedah, Penang and Perlis to support KPDN’s initiatives by contributing StarCash cards to Menu Rahmah sellers at the following locations:
i) Bazaar Tanah Merah Pendang, Kedah – 28th March 2023
iii) Bazaar Persiaran Wawasan, Perlis – 13th April 2023
Every Menu Rahmah seller was given RM50 StarCash to thank them for their support for KPDN’s “Ramadan Rahmah” initiative. A total of 100 units of RM50 StarCash were distributed to sellers across the 3 locations.
During the “Turun Padang ” session, the Pen Petroleum team also promoted the CaltexGO application to increase the number of new signups. The public were given a Batmobile collectible for each successful activation. Approximately 400 downloads and activation was achieved during this session.
Pen Petroleum thanks the Chevron team for supporting this initiative by joining the “Turun Padang” event, contributing Caltex merchandise and for hosting the Buka Puasa dinners.
Media coverage by RTM – Youtube
Social media coverage by KPDN Kedah – Facebook KPDN Kedah
Social media coverage by KPDN Penang – Facebook KPDN Penang
Social media coverage by KPDN Perlis – Facebook KPDN Perlis
And not forgetting, thank you to the following Retail Partners that contributed RM100 each for this program.
Kedah (21 stations)
Stesen Minyak Mergong Utama
Full Sheng Enterprise Sdn Bhd
Hock Hin
Pen Cempaka Sdn Bhd
PPP Utama Enterprise
Crop-Chem Sdn Bhd
Guar Lobak Gasoline
Lunas Jaya Petrol Sdn Bhd
Mason Enterprise Sdn Bhd
AA & T Business Resources Sdn Bhd
T & AA Resources Sdn Bhd
Sri Nerang Sendirian Bhd
Mahang Gasoline
Perniagaan Nikmat Damai
Zakaria bin Murad
NZM Ikhlas Enterprise
Shoda Niaga Sdn Bhd
Haza Sinar Enterprise
Koperasi Pegawai-Pegawai Kerajaan Negeri Kedah Darul Aman Bhd
Puncak Teknik Trading
Abdul Alim Bin Md.Saad
Penang (17 stations)
Seri Pauh Service Station Sdn Bhd
Yih Langat Sdn Bhd
Hou Wah Company Filling Station
Teik Sang Service Station Sdn Bhd
Lean Huat & Co
Estewell Sdn Bhd
Remen Trading (B.S) Sdn Bhd
Million Station Sdn Bhd
Impian Bin’J Sdn Bhd
Horizon Service Station Sdn Bhd
Pen Harmoni ex Syarikat Anda
Pen Harmoni Sdn Bhd
Shaharuddin bin Ahmad
Sim Eng Filling Station Sdn Bhd
Muliajaya Service Station
DT & T Express Station Sdn Bhd
Pen Sutera Services Sdn Bhd
Perlis (8 stations)
Yun Sinar Bahagia Enterprise
Stesen Minyak Bahagia
Jali Enterprise
P.B Pertama Sdn Bhd
KBS Incorporated Sdn Bhd
Dien Pang Sdn Bhd
D Zunas Maju Sdn Bhd
Idris Hj Adam (Perlis) Sdn Bhd
Jom Turun Padang - Pen Petroleum

13 May 2023
13 May 2023
(Video) Customer Lucky Draw and Team Breaking Fast Session - Horizon Service Station
During the recent Ramadan month, Retail Partner Horizon Service Station (Caltex Permatang Rawa) took the opportunity to break fast and celebrate the holy month of Ramadan together with their station managers and staff who have always worked hard to ensure that customers are always prioritised.
The station had also organised a lucky draw for customers with exciting prizes and distributed “Bubur Lambuk” to customers. Staff also took the opportunity to promote the CaltexGO loyalty application by giving out gift bags to customers who signed up.
Chevron Malaysia thanks Horizon Service Station for celebrating their team’s efforts and contributing back to the community.
Customer Lucky Draw - Horizon Service Station

16 April 2023
16 April 2023
(Video) 24-Hour Ambulance Service Launch - Estewell Sdn Bhd
Retail Partner Estewell Sdn Bhd recently hosted the launch of the 24-hour ambulance service by the Penang state branch of the Malaysian Red Crescent Society (PBSMM) at their station on Jalan Song Ban Kheng, Bukit Mertajam. This service was made available throughout the state during the Raya festive season for the community’s safety.
Chevron Malaysia and Branded Marketer Pen Petroleum also supported the event by providing goodie bags to road users. Retail Partner and station staff also took the opportunity to introduce CaltexGO loyalty application to Caltex customers.
Chevron Malaysia thanks Estewell Sdn Bhd for this remarkable service initiative of contributing back to the community.
24-Hour Ambulance Service Launch - Estewell Sdn Bhd

15 April 2023
(Video) “Bubur Lambuk” Giveaway by Mayang Mass Trading
15 April 2023, Saturday — Some of the North Perak Region Retail Partners came together during the recent Ramadan month and organised a “Bubur Lambuk” giveaway to show their appreciation to Caltex customers.
The porridge was distributed among 5 stations (Mayang Mass, FB Vista, Remen, CF Service and AllStar Legacy) on the same day. Retail Partners also took this opportunity to promote the CaltexGO loyalty application, resulting in a number of new sign-ups.
The “Bubur Lambuk” was jointly prepared by retailers and staff from 5 stations, with Pen Petroleum’s RBCs and staff coming together to do everything from heating up the fire until packing the porridge into containers.
Many thanks to Mayang Mass Retail Partner En. Muhammad Afiq, who had put in a lot of effort in preparing for the “Bubur Lambuk”. He had set up a canopy beside his house and even borrowed utensils from a nearby mosque to cook the “Bubur Lambuk”.
Chevron Malaysia thanks the Retail Partners who participated in this initiative for giving back to the community.
Bubur Lambuk - Mayang Mass Trading

29 Oct 2022
29 Oct 2022
29 Oct 2022
Welcome to the family - Othomats Filling Sdn Bhd

29 October 2022, Saturday — The 4th station under the Othomats family group opened in Kenali, Kelantan recently. Caltex Kenali (Othomats Filling Sdn Bhd) under Branded Marketer – Pen Petroleum had their grand opening event on a sunny Saturday October morning recently. Customers could enjoy free meals and win prizes in a lucky draw as the station got to engage and know the community better.
The team from Chevron Malaysia and Pen Petroleum were also there to give their support at the new station as they met customers and enjoyed the festivities at the station.
Chevron Malaysia wishes to thank all parties and stakeholders involved in adding another station to our Caltex network.
Caltex Kenali

26 February 2021
Terima Kasih Barisan Hadapan Caltex

Kebelakangan ini, beberapa orang pekerja di stesen minyak Caltex di bawah rangkaian Pen Petroleum telah melaporkan kes positif COVID-19. Lanjutan daripada kes-kes sebegini, sesetengah stesen terpaksa tutup sementara waktu kerana kekurangan kakitangan. Semua kakitangan dan rakan niaga yang mempunyai kontak rapat dengan pekerja-pekerja yang dijangkiti perlu membuat saringan COVID-19 di KKM dan kuarantin di rumah masing-masing sementara menunggu keputusan ujian.
Pihak Pen Petroleum amat terkilan dengan kejadian kes COVID-19 yang dialami oleh semua. Semoga pekerja-pekerja tersebut menerima rawatan yang sebaik-baiknya di hospital dan cepat sembuh.
Pada saat yang genting ini, kami faham bahawa kerja barisan hadapan memang berganda kesukarannya, kerana perlu mencari keseimbangan di antara rezeki dan keselamatan kendiri.
Sebagai tanda penghargaan kepada semua barisan hadapan Caltex tanpa mengira peranan, termasuk Rakan Niaga, CSR, juruwang, tukang cuci, pegawai sekuriti dan sebagainya, pihak pengurusan Pen Petroleum telah menghadiahkan satu baucar KFC kepada setiap orang barisan hadapan di stesen Caltex kami. Terima kasih kerana terus berkhidmat demi kebaikan pelanggan Caltex.
Terima Kasih, Hero Caltex!
22 February 2021
Lubricant Planogram Contest

Pen Petroleum has collaborated with Chevron’s lubricant team to organize the Havoline and Delo Planogram Contest in November 2020.
We selected the winners together with Chevron lubricant team based on planogram compliance and product range and availability. The winners have won an umbrella, a mini Delo miniature truck and two towels from Chevron.
It was a simple yet fun program. We look forward to working closely with Chevron and Retail Partners to grow lubricant business at station level.
Here are the Top 20 stations who participated in the said contest – Look at the smiling faces and the impressive lubricant planogram displayed. Congratulations!
2 January 2021
For The Two-Wheel Riders
Caltex Havoline® new motorcycle products raise the bar
for even better overall performance
Enjoy increased reliability and engine efficiency with Havoline’s proprietary
C.O.R.E.+ Technology and ZOOMTECH
Caltex Havoline unveiled a new generation of four-stroke motorcycle and scooter engine oils that maximises engine performance and delivers smooth engine operation on all road conditions. The new product line for motorcycles and scooters includes fully synthetic, semi-synthetic and mineral products formulated with Havoline’s signature C.O.R.E.+ Technology, and ZOOMTECH.
All Havoline Super 4T and SuperMatic 4T four-stroke motorcycle and scooter engine oils now come with the upgraded C.O.R.E.+ Technology, Caltex’s most advanced and best-performing formulation. C.O.R.E.+ Technology is an improvement over the previous C.O.R.E. Technology and further addresses key concerns especially in stressful city traffic conditions. These engine oils deliver a more enjoyable riding experience with enhanced engine performance and cleaning properties.
Apart from an upgrade in product technology, the entire Havoline Super 4T and SuperMatic 4T range also meets API SN, one of the latest specifications in the industry. Previously, Havoline Super 4T semi-synthetic and mineral products were only meeting API SL specifications. Now, meeting API SN specifications ensures that all Havoline Super 4T and SuperMatic 4T fully synthetic, semi-synthetic and mineral engine oils offer increased high temperature deposits protection for pistons, better wear control, and improved sludge control in urban, stop-and-go riding conditions. Most motorcycle and scooter engine oil brands in the region are only offering a mix of API SJ, SL and SN products.
With the majority of motorcyclists using their two-wheelers for urban commuting in their line of work, it is important that Caltex Havoline tailors an engine oil that would be strong enough to stand up to the challenging conditions faced on a daily basis. These include a lack of acceleration when carrying heavy loads and high engine temperatures while stuck in traffic. Reliability is also a key concern, as downtime and money spent on repairs are unnecessary inconveniences.
“Today’s consumers are more discerning with the engine oils they choose, and most demand for better protection and performance of the engine, clutch and gearbox,” said Sheryl Law, Regional Marketing Manager, Asia Pakistan. “The newest generation of motorcycle engine oils spurs from our success of the previous Havoline motorcycle range and raises the bar for product performance across the industry. We constantly improve and evolve our products to meet the latest industry’s standards, while also keeping abreast of the lubrication requirements of vehicle manufacturers as their engine technology advances.”
Asia-Pacific accounts for 83%1 of the global two-wheel population, or 524.2 million units in absolute numbers. This number is only set to grow, fuelled by rising urbanisation in growing economies of the APAC region and increasing demand for transport in small cities.
C.O.R.E.+ Technology

- Cleans and protects – Maintains efficient engine performance
- Oxidation stability – Protects against oil degradation
- Reduces engine heat damage – Delivers continuous and superior oil stability
- Enhances acceleration – Improves clutch grip under high loads with ZOOMTECH

In addition, these engine oils2 are also formulated with ZOOMTECH, which delivers better oil frictional properties. For the everyday rider, this improves clutch grip and prevents slippage, especially under high load conditions, and ensures maximum power transfer for enhanced acceleration.
Lastly, the entire range of Havoline Super 4T and SuperMatic 4T engine oils now meet API SN performance specifications, which delivers benefits including:
- High temperature piston deposit protection
- Improved robustness in wear control
- Enhanced oxidation thickening for better lubrication of the engine
- Sludge control properties, especially in urban, stop-go conditions
The previously well-received Ride Strong campaign takes on a refreshing new look this year, with a more dynamic set of visuals that covers print, digital and OOH applications. Product labels and cartons have also been redesigned for better legibility.
1Figures from Kline Lubricants for Motorcycles, Scooters, and Mopeds. 2017: Global Market Analysis and Opportunities.
2 Not applicable to SuperMatic 4T and Ezy 4T.
Download the complete product fact sheets here: Product Fact Sheet
This article is contributed by Chevron Malaysia Limited’s lubricant team.
24 December 2020
#CaltexKuPrihatin Diteruskan…

Dalam buletin yang lepas, kami telah berkongsi bagaimana para Rakan Niaga memberi sumbangan kepada masyarakat setempat. Lanjutan daripada itu, kami terus menerima berita mengenai aktiviti-aktiviti yang dilakukan oleh Rakan Niaga lain.
Syabas dan tahniah kami ucapkan kepada para Rakan Niaga kami yang sentiasa prihatin. Semoga kami terus #KongsiKebaikan dan saling tolong-menolong di antara satu sama lain.
12 October 2020
Ohayo Jepun!

Tahniah kami ucapkan kepada pemenang-pemenang promosi Ohayo Jepun!
Kami amat teruja apabila menerima berita baik bahawa 2 pemenang yang bertuah dalam promosi nasional Ohayo Jepun yang dikelolakan oleh Chevron Malaysia adalah pelanggan dari rangkaian stesen seliaan Pen Petroleum, iaitu stesen Hikmat Cempaka Service Station (Ampang) and Hikmat Service Station (Gua Musang).
Omedetou gozaimasu (membawa maksud ‘tahniah’ dalam Bahasa Jepun)!
Setiap pemenang tersebut masing-masing telah memenangi hadiah tempat kedua, iaitu pakej pelancongan ke Jepun yang bernilai RM15,000. Memandangkan COVID-19 masih berleluasa, Chevron Malaysia telah secara prihatinnya menukar bentuk hadiah tersebut kepada wang tunai RM10,000 dan StarCash bernilai RM5,000. Terima kasih, Chevron kerana sentiasa menjaga pelanggan kami. Senyuman di wajah pelanggan kami memberi motivasi kepada kami untuk terus memberikan perkhidmatan yang terbaik di stesen minyak Caltex.

24 March 2020
Thank You!

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
23 March 2020
Managing Covid-19
Pen Petroleum (“Pen”), as a Chevron Branded Marketer for its Pen’s network of Caltex petrol stations and Xpress Point convenience stores, would like to assure all stakeholders that its network will remain operational during MCO as announced by the Malaysian Government.
To fully cooperate with the government in meeting the objectives of MCO, and equally important,in prioritising the safety and well-being of our retail partners, their staff, our customers and all stakeholders, Pen has opted to close the office effective 19th March 2020 until the end of MCO determined by the Malaysian Government.
Notwithstanding the office closure, all our operational staff are working from their homes, and remain contactable to support our retailers in their operations, to minimise any disruption in their product supply, and to manage any emergency during this period.
Consequently, in line with the above objectives, Pen has implemented several immediate safety and precautionary guidelines and measures which include:
- At Pen’s premises (before and after MCO):
- Issuance of statements and other forms of notifications to create awareness among staff on the direction of Pen providing guidance on preventive and mitigating steps for self protection, safer premises and environment.
- Mandatory screening procedures of all staff and visitors at the office entrance such as temperature check and the usage of hand sanitizers.
- Hand sanitizer dispensers are made available at entrance and every floor, and were also distributed to all staff to encourage good hygiene. Hand wash liquid soap is available at all toilets.
- Regular cleaning of the office premises
- Avoid face-to-face meetings, and events with internal and external parties until further advice.
- Encourage the use of mask should there be respiratory symptoms such as cough or runny nose.
- At Pen’s Caltex petrol station network:
- Issuance of Memorandum and notifications to inform our Retail Partners on MCO and its operating requirements including the safety procedures for station staff and customers.
- Complimentary hand sanitizers and face masks have been provided to our retail partners.
- Hand sanitizer dispensers are made available at payment counters and in the stores.
- Regular cleaning and sanitizing of dispensing pump nozzles and air pump inflators.
- Supply of notices for the usage of Retail Partners and staff at the stations.
- Public notification on COVID-19, and preventive safety procedures at all stations.
- Practice social distancing by ensuring physical distancing of minimum 1 metre between individuals at the payment counters and in the stores.
- Emergency numbers direct to our crisis management center.
18 March 2020
Notis Penutupan Sementara

5 March 2020
Hari Wanita

08 Mac merupakan tarikh untuk meraikan insan bergelar wanita di seluruh dunia, di mana pada hari tersebut akan disambut sebagai Hari Wanita Sedunia.
Bersempena dengan Hari Wanita Sedunia tahun ini, pihak pengurusan Kumpulan PenPec turut mengambil peluang untuk meraikannya bersama-sama pengurusan Chevron Malaysia Limited (Caltex), rakaniaga di rangkaian stesen minyak PenPec, kakitangan serta pelanggan tidak mengira umur mahupun bangsa bersesuaian dengan tema pada tahun ini iaitu “An Equal World Is An Enable World”.
Majlis sambutan telah diadakan pada 2 Mac 2020 bermula di ibu pejabat PenPec Group di Bandar Sunway, Seberang Jaya yang turut dihadiri oleh Ms Saw Siam Ching (Pengurus Besar Kumpulan PenPec) dan Ms Saw Mei Yee (Penolong Pengurus Besar Kumpulan PenPec). Sebagai tanda penghargaan, kesemua kakitangan wanita telah dihadiahkan dengan sekuntum bunga mawar setiap seorang.
Di dalam ucapan aluan oleh Pengurus Besar Kumpulan, beliau yang mewakili pengurusan PenPec memaklumkan bahawa syarikat amat menghargai pekerja wanita yang komited dalam melaksanakan tugas di pejabat. Di samping itu, mereka juga memikul tanggungjawab sebagai nenek, ibu, isteri ataupun anak terhadap keluarga masing-masing apabila berada di rumah.
Pengurusan Kumpulan PenPec turut berbesar hati menjemput seorang penceramah iaitu Dr Suraya Binti Idris (Pegawai Perubatan Kesihatan Keluarga UD54, Pejabat Kesihatan Daerah Seberang Perai Tengah) bagi menyampaikan sebuah taklimat mengenai “Kesihatan Wanita”. Ceramah tersebut merangkumi anatomi wanita, kitaran haid, payudara, kanser wanita, kehamilan, perancangan keluarga dan penyusuan susu ibu.
Selaras dengan ceramah yang diadakan, Kumpulan PenPec telah menepati matlamat dengan menyediakan kemudahan ruang laktasi yang selesa kepada ibu-ibu yang telah kembali bekerja selepas tempoh bersalin.
Acara Sambutan Hari Wanita ini kemudiannya diraikan bersama-sama pelanggan dan kakitangan wanita di stesen minyak rangkaian PenPec iaitu Stesen Minyak Caltex Seri Pauh dan Stesen Minyak Caltex Pen Harmoni.
1 March – 15 March 2020

23 November 2019
Caltex Paramount Service Station’s 50th Anniversary
Thank you for your presence in celebrating with us at the Caltex Paramount Service Station’s 50th Anniversary on 23rd November! We are delighted to have your presence and thank you for all your tremendous support that motivate us to thrive continuously in the market.
We hope you enjoyed our series of fun-filled activities notably the ‘Spin & Win’, special marketing and promotions offerings, food and beverage samplings, grabies & Caltex JOURNEY card sign ups etc. Your satisfaction matters the most to us!
A big thank you to all of you who were involved and attended the event. Once again, we wish Caltex Paramount Service Station much more success in the years ahead. Happy Anniversary!
10 October 2019
Caltex High Flyers
Thank you for your presence in celebrating with us at the Caltex Paramount Service Station’s 50th Anniversary on 23rd November! We are delighted to have your presence and thank you for all your tremendous support that motivate us to thrive continuously in the market.
We hope you enjoyed our series of fun-filled activities notably the ‘Spin & Win’, special marketing and promotions offerings, food and beverage samplings, grabies & Caltex JOURNEY card sign ups etc. Your satisfaction matters the most to us!
A big thank you to all of you who were involved and attended the event. Once again, we wish Caltex Paramount Service Station much more success in the years ahead. Happy Anniversary!
5 March 2019
International Women’s Day
PEN Petroleum Sdn Bhd and Goodyear Malaysia carried out a fun International Women’s Day event to support its theme called #PressforProgress.
A video presentation on International Women’s Day and a ‘WhoisQuiz’ session showcasing successful women such as Tan Sri Michelle Yeoh and Margaret Thatcher filled the attendees with inspiration.
A total of 30 women comprising retail partners, Chevron Malaysia representatives and Pen Petroleum Sdn Bhd employees participated in the corporate social responsibility event held at the Pen Petroleum office in Kompleks Sunway Perdana, Butterworth, recently.
A talk titled ‘The right shoes matter for driving’ by Goodyear Malaysia senior sales training manager Idris Abu Bakar enhanced the participants’ knowledge.
Pen Petroleum Sdn Bhd group general manager Saw Siam Ching said each woman was presented with a flower to celebrate women’s achievements and to call for gender equality.
3 January 2019
Kempen ‘Promosi Belanja dan Bercuti’ di Caltex tawar hadiah lumayan, sasar tarik lebih 50,000 pelancong ke Pulau Pinang – Exco
SEBERANG JAYA – Kempen ‘Promosi Belanja dan Bercuti’ yang dianjurkan oleh Pen Petroleum Sdn. Bhd. (PenPec) dan Association of Tourism Attractions, Penang (ATAP) dijangka menarik lebih 50,000 pelancong ke Pulau Pinang.
Selain menawarkan pelbagai ganjaran kepada pelanggan yang berbelanja di stesen minyak Caltex terpilih seluruh negara, kempen ini turut menawarkan baucar tunai serta tiket masuk percuma ke tempat-tempat menarik di Pulau Pinang.
Exco Pembangunan Pelancongan, Warisan, Kebudayaan dan Kesenian, Yeoh Soon Hin berkata, kempen tersebut akan memberi manfaat terhadap sektor pelancongan negeri ini.
“Sebanyak 100,000 baucar dan tiket masuk percuma ditawarkan kepada pelanggan Caltex di seluruh Semenanjung yang berbelanja lebih RM50 di 60 Kedai Xpress Point terpilih.
“(Dan) kita (Kerajaan Negeri) mensasarkan kemasukan lebih 50,000 pelancong ke Pulau Pinang melalui promosi yang dilancarkan di
seluruh negara ini,” katanya pada sidang media selepas merasmikan kempen berkaitan di stesen Caltex Permatang Pauh, di sini sebentar tadi.
Hadir sama, Pengerusi Kumpulan PenPec, Saw Chang Heng; Pengarah (Kumpulan PenPec), Datuk Abdul Rahim Darus; Pengurus Besar (Kumpulan PenPec), Saw Siam Chin; Pengurus Jualan Wilayah Utara Chevron Malaysia Limited, Faizah Abdul Samad; Pengerusi ATAP, Ch’ng Huck Theng dan ramai lagi.
Dalam pada itu, Soon Hin berkata, lebih banyak promosi akan dilaksanakan oleh Kerajaan Negeri dengan kerjasama pelbagai pihak berkepentingan dalam mempromosikan tempat-tempat menarik di Pulau Pinang.
“Justeru, saya berharap agar inisiatif ini dapat diteruskan lagi dengan melibatkan pihak-pihak lain dalam menjadikan Pulau Pinang sebagai hab pelancongan unggul di wilayah utara Semenanjung,” ujarnya.
Difahamkan, kempen yang berlangsung mulai 1 Januari sehingga 28 Februari 2019 menawarkan satu tiket masuk percuma ke The Habitat, Tropical Spice Garden, Penang Trick Art Museum, Entopia (Taman Rama-rama Pulau Pinang), Tropical Fruit Farm, Magination, Teddyville Museum dan baucar tunai RM5 bagi pembelian di kedai biskut tertua di Pulau Pinang, Ghee Hiang.
Menariknya, pelanggan Caltex turut berpeluang memenangi baucar bernilai RM250 setiap satu dan 15 hadiah misteri melalui peraduan dalam talian ‘Kira & Menang’.
Maklumat lanjut, layari www.xpresspoint.com.my. Tertakluk kepada terma dan syarat.
11 November 2017 Floods in the northern state of Penang Read more: https://bit.ly/3bSoc0A |
07 May 2015
Flood in Kelantan
Pen Petroleum initiated a flood relief fund during the recent floods (Dec 2014) in East Coast. A total of 52,000 ringgit was collected over 3 days from retailers, staff and our company directors (who donated 20,000 ringgit).
The money was presented to the Caltex Kelantan Retailers Association to be distributed to Pen’s retailers 1,000 ringgit to support their staff who were affected by the food shortage, however, they have the option to re-donate it back to the Association to support the severely affected Caltex retailers whose stations were flooded.
The balance of 33,000 ringgit was handed to the Association for it to assist their affected members.
We appreciate the generous contributions from Pen’s nationwide retailers, our staff and directors, and are pleased that the affected retailers are back in business now.
28 Sept 2013
AA & T Business Resources opened at Jalan Hutan Kampung, Alor Setar.
The Turun Padang program (1st time station opening) is on 28 Sept 2013, from 10 am – 2 pm. There were vendors supported our Turun Padang Session, which we receive overwhelming response. It helps customers to get to know us as a new retailer and new station that just opened in the area and they love it as it does help them to know Caltex brand in Hutan Kampung. It also create awareness of our new Xpress Point Mart towards local communities.
The team arranged the vendors to come and support the turun padang timely and smoothly. We gave away food hampers for customers who fill in more than RM50 per transaction and they are eligible for a lucky draw prize as well. Also, we gave out balloons for the kids, free bottled mineral water and free food (feast).
(Sharing from Retailer)
* Please click on image to enlarge.
19 Jan 2013
Launch of New Caltex Petrol Service Station at Simpang Renggam, Johor.
We managed to celebrate a Grand Opening on 19th Jan 2013. Prior to the Grand Opening, we encountered a lot of difficulties, however with the strong support and assistance from Pen Petroleum Sdn Bhd and Xpress Point Team, we were able to resolve the problems and we finally enjoyed an exciting ribbon cutting Ceremony.
As a Retailer Owned Retailer Operated (RORO) and Xpress Point Operator, we wish to extend our appreciation to Pen Petroleum Sdn Bhd and Xpress Point Team. We will certainly try our best to manage the Station for our mutual benefits.
Thank you.
(Sharing from Retailer of Wan Der Horse Sdn Bhd)
* Please click on image to enlarge.
1 September – 30 September 2024
Promosi September 2024

It is already September and also the month of Malaysia day. We’re celebrating it with special and exciting promotions in Xpress Point from as low as RM1!
Enjoy amazing deals and discounts throughout the month as we honor the spirit of unity and togetherness. Visit your nearest Xpress Point today and make this year Malaysia day one to remember!
Promotion Period: 1 September – 30 September 2024
Find out the list of participating Caltex Stations with Xpress Point convenience stores HERE.
*T&C apply. Click here for more information.
1 August – 31 August 2024
Promosi Ogos 2024

Let’s celebrate our national day month with fantastic promotions and item at Xpress Point! Let your kids to show off thier colouring skill and patriotism towards Malaysia, our lovely nation.
The most fantastic colouring form submitted back to our station will have a chance to win Stationery Hamper and Xpress Press point cash voucher!
Wait no more! Faster visit your nearest Xpress Point today to grab those promotions item before they run out and lets your kids show off their colouring talent by participating our colouring contest sponsored by Fraser & Neave Holdings Bhd (F&N).
Promotion Period: 1 August – 31 August 2024
Find out the list of participating Caltex Stations with Xpress Point convenience stores HERE.
*T&C apply. Click here for more information.
1 July – 31 July 2024
Promosi Julai 2024

Jump into July with our fantastic promotions!
Enjoy refreshing deals and exiciting discounts all month long. Whether you’re cooling off with a refreshing drink or grabbing a tasty treat, we’ve got you covered. Don’t miss out on these fantastic offers!
Promotion Period: 1 July- 31 July 2024
Find out the list of participating Caltex Stations with Xpress Point convenience stores HERE.
*T&C apply. Click here for more information.
1 June – 30 June 2024
Promosi Jun 2024

Time passing so fast and now we are at the halfway point of 2024! Let’s celebreate this milestone with for June promotion from just as low as RM1.
Looking for some gift for your lovely mum and daddy? We might have some good promos for you especially those combo sets might be a good choice for you! Snag away a special tote bag for free when you purchased any combo set deals.
Promotion Period: 1 June – 31 June 2024
Find out the list of participating Caltex Stations with Xpress Point convenience stores HERE.
*T&C apply. Click here for more information.
Promosi Mei 2024

As May blooms with new beginnings, so do our promotions! May your month be filled with endless possibilities and exciting promotions!
Visit your nearest Xpress Point to explore our May specials and treat yourself to something special today!
Promotion Period: 1 May – 31 May 2024
Find out the list of participating Caltex Stations with Xpress Point convenience stores HERE.
*T&C apply. Click here for more information.
Promosi April 2024

Win Touch’nGo Credit Worth RM5000 this Raya!
Stands a change to win RM50 Touch’nGo Credit Reload Pin by spending at least RM30 in a single receipt* at any Xpress Point Outlets!
Don’t miss out our Raya promotion with great prices staring just RM1! Get a limited editions Xpress Point Cude Tissues Box for free when you purchase 2 (TWO) Mister Potato Crisps at RM9.60!
Hurru up! Visit your nearest Xpress Point today before the stocks runs out!
Xpress Point would like to wish all our Muslim customer, SELAMAT HARI RAYA!
*Excluding spending on Tabacco Products, Touch’nGo Reload and E-Pay
Promotion Period: 1 April – 30 April 2024
Find out the list of participating Caltex Stations with Xpress Point convenience stores HERE.
*T&C apply. Click here for more information.
Promosi Mac 2024

Marching into flavor-packes convenience with exciting promotions from Xpress Point!
Whether you’re greating up for study sessions or preparing for iftar during Ramadan, we’ve got the perfect reats for you. Convenience at its finest-because your cravings deserve to be satisfied hassle-free!
Explore fresh opportunities and special offers all month long at your nearest Xpress Point today. Join us in embracing the spirit of growth and renewal this Match!
Xpress Point wish all Muslim customer Selamat Verpuase and all students have a good start ahead.
Promotion Period: 1 March – 30 March 2024
Find out the list of participating Caltex stations with Xpress Point convenience stores here
*T&C apply. Click here for more information.
Promosi Februari 2024

Huat ah
Xpress Point would like to wish all our customer Happy Chinese New Year!
Head on to you nearest Xpress Point Outlet and look for all the amazing deals and products!
Promotion Period: 1 FEBRUARY – 29 FEBRUARY 2024
Find out the list of participating Caltex stations with Xpress Point convenience stores here
*T&C apply. Click here for more information.
1 January – 29 January 2024
Promosi Januari 2024

Happy New Year to all Xpress Point Customers! We wish you a great start ahead for 2024!
Head on to your nearest Xpress Point outlet and look out for all the amazing deals and products! Get special goodies beg by spending RM15 on selected items and get very special price on our product of the month!
Promotion Period: 1 January – 31 January 2024
Find out the list of participating Caltex stations with Xpress Point convenience stores here
*T&C apply. Click here for more information.
Promosi Disember 2023
1 December – 31 December 2023

Belanja sekurang-kurangnya RM10 untuk menangi Beras 5kg!
Jom Singgah di Xpress Point yang terdekat di kawasan anda dan berbelanja sekurang-kurangnya RM10, anda berpeluang untuk memenangi Beras 5kg!
Seramai 100 pemenang!
Untuk terma dan syarat, sila tekan SINI.

It is the month of Christmas! Looking for snacks and drinks to celebrate your Christmas and New Year party?
Visit your nearest Xpress Point today to get your snacks or beverage from as low as RM1!
Xpress Point wishing all Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Promotion Period: 1 December 31 December 2023
Find out the list of participating Caltex stations with Xpress Point convenience stores here
*T&C apply. Click here for more information.
1 November – 30 November 2023
Promosi November 2023

Celebrate this Deepavaliwith Xpress Point’s November Promotion and New Item!
Visit your nearest Xpress Point outlet today to explore more exciting new products and promotions!
Promotion period: 1 November – 30 November 2023
Find out the list of participating Caltex stations with Xpress Point convenience stores here
*T&C apply. Click here for more information.
1 October – 31 October 2023
Promosi Oktober 2023

Visit your nearest Xpress Point outlet today to enjoy exclusive discount when you shop at Xpress Point!
Many more exciting new products and promotions awaiting you to discover!
Promotion period: 1 October – 31 October 2023
Find out the list of participating Caltex stations with Xpress Point convenience stores here
*T&C apply. Click here for more information.
1 September – 30 September 2023
Promosi September 2023

Celebrate Malaysia day with amazing deals and product with Xpress Point this month!
#Jom Singgah at your nearest Xpress Point outlets today to explore and grab more amazing products and deals before they runs out!
Promotion period: 1 September – 30 September 2023
Find out the list of participating Caltex stations with Xpress Point convenience stores here
*T&C apply. Click here for more information.
1 August – 31 August 2023
Impian Merdeka

Let live up the “Merdeka” spirit, by joining Xpress Point colouring contest “Impian Merdeka” and stay a chance to win special prizes. A wide range of promotion products also are available this round, New products are up! Get the Coloring Contest’s entry form and the Amazing August deals from your nearest Xpress Point store Today.
Promotion period: 1 August – 31 August 2023
Find out the list of participating Caltex stations with Xpress Point convenience stores here
*T&C apply. Click here for more information.
1 July – 31 July 2023
Promosi Julai 2023

It’s the perfect time for you to stock up on your favourite snacks and beverages! Get the most of “Promosi Julai” when you shop at Xpress Point near you! Jom Singgah!
Promotion period
1 July – 31 July 2023
Find out the list of participating Caltex stations with Xpress Point convenience stores HERE.
*T&C apply. Click here for more information.
Promosi June 2023
1 Jun – 30 Jun 2023

Check out our promotion in June 2023 and enjoy special discounts when shopping at Xpress Points. Not to forget our RM2 Hot Deals and combo deal as well. “Jom Singgah” at the nearest Xpress Point today. While stocks last.
Promotion period
1 June – 30 June 2023
Find out the list of participating Caltex stations with Xpress Point convenience stores HERE.
*T&C apply. Click here for more information.
1 May – 31 May 2023
Promosi Mei 2023

A wide range of promotion products & contests are available this month, all in Xpress Point.
Come shopping at our Buy 2 corner and many more!
For contest lover, do not miss our Coke, Wonda and Monster contests.
Come, visit your nearest Xpress Point and discover it yourself!
Promotion period 1 May – 31 May 2023
Find out the list of participating Caltex stations with Xpress Point convenience stores HERE.
*T&C apply. Click here for more information.
1 April – 30 April 2023
Raikan Raya Bersama

Raikan Raya Bersama!!! Together we celebrate Raya! Discover our latest Raya promotion and enjoy great savings at Xpress Point stores from 1 April to 30 April 2023. A wide range of promotion products are available this round.
Promotion period 1 April – 30 April 2023
Find out the list of participating Caltex stations with Xpress Point convenience stores HERE.
*T&C apply. Click here for more information.
1 March – 31 March 2023
Cuit-Cuit Sayang

HOT DEALS FOR Month of March! Discover Marvelous March Promotions and enjoy various discount items from us at the price as low as RM2.00 ONLY! Promotion starts from 1st March – 31st March 2023. Don’t miss this limited-time promotion!
Promotion period 1 March – 31 March 2023
Find out the list of participating Caltex stations with Xpress Point convenience stores HERE.
*T&C apply. Click here for more information.
1 August – 31 August 2023
1 September – 30 September 2023
1 Jun – 30 Jun 2023
1 Jun – 30 Jun 2023
1 Jun – 30 Jun 2023
1 Jun – 30 Jun 2023
1 Jun – 30 Jun 2023
1 November – 30 November 2023
1 November – 30 November 2023
1 November – 30 November 2023
1 November – 30 November 2023
1 February – 28 February 2023
Cuit-Cuit Sayang

Love in the air this February month. Discover our “Cuit-cuit Sayang” promotion and head over to your nearest Xpress point stores today! Grab your favorite snacks or beverages for you and your loved one! While stocks last.
Promotion period
1 February – 28 February 2023
Find out the list of participating Caltex stations with Xpress Point convenience stores HERE.
1 January – 31 January 2023
Tahun Arnab Pasti Ong!

Chinese New Year is just around the corner! Bring some delicious snacks and beverages on the way over to your friends and families place to enjoy it together! Head over to your nearest Xpress point stores today! While stocks last.
Promotion period 1 January – 31 January 2023
Find out the list of participating Caltex stations with Xpress Point convenience stores here
1 November – 31 December 2022
Terlebih Syiok

Discover our latest “Terlebih Syiok” promotion and enjoy great savings at Xpress Point stores from 1 November to 31 December 2022. A wide range of promotion products are available this round, New & Limited-Edition products are up! For contest lover, do not miss Dutch Lady’s “Cuti Idamanku” contest. Stay a chance to win Domestic travel voucher worth of RM3,000!
Stop by at the nearest Xpress Point today and shop till you drop! While stocks last
Find out the list of participating Caltex stations with Xpress Point convenience stores HERE.
1 Sep – 31 October 2022
Jom Singgah

“Jom Singgah” Xpress Point Today! A wide range of promotion products are available this round, all in Xpress Point.
New & Limited-Edition products are up! Come shopping at our Buy 2 corner and many more!
For contest lover, do not miss our Pepsi Home contests.
Come and “Singgah” to your nearest Xpress Point and discover it yourself!
Find out the list of participating Caltex stations with Xpress Point convenience stores HERE.
1 July – 31 August 2022
Sayang Malaysia

To celebrate our 65th Malaysia Independence Day, Xpress Point will be showcasing amazing ‘Sayang Malaysia’ deals for fan-favourite local brands and products.
Discover our new products promotion as well and enjoy great savings at Xpress Point stores from 1 July to 31 August 2022.
#JomSinggah at the nearest Xpress Point today and shop till you drop!
While stocks last.
Find out the list of participating Caltex stations with Xpress Point convenience stores HERE.