Pen Petroleum Sdn Bhd not only aims to better the traveling experience of Malaysian motorists, we want to help transform our community as a whole. The company does this by reaching out to the less fortunate through charity organizations and non-government organizations.
CaltexKuPrihatin – Masih Diteruskan!
Berikutan dengan pengumuman PKP 2.0, rakan niaga kami terus memberikan sumbangan barangan pandemik kepada para pelanggan demi menjaga kesihatan para pelanggan, khasnya di kawasan-kawasan berisiko tinggi COVID-19.
Kami terharu melihat penglibatan stesen minyak rangkaian kami dalam perbuatan-perbuatan yang amat bermakna ini. Terima kasih kerana membanggakan nama Caltex.
#TerimaKasih Frontliners
Xpress Point ingin mengucapkan Terima Kasih kepada semua front-liners yang bertungkus-lumus menentangi pandemaik COVID-19 demi negara kita Malaysia. Jasa anda amat kami hargai.
#TerimaKasih Frontliners!
Sempena bulan Merdeka, Xpress Point telah mengadakan peraduan mewarna yang bertemakan ‘HERO KITA’ untuk disertai oleh kanak-kanak berusia 12 tahun dan ke bawah. Kami telah menerima 215 entri peraduan. Suatu respon yang amat memberangsangkan!
Kami terharu melihat cara anak-anak Malaysia menunjukkan penghargaan kepada adiwira negara kami menerusi karya seni masing-masing. Terima kasih atas penyertaan anda.
Tahniah kepada semua pemenang yang dinamakan di sini.
Floods in the northern state of Penang
Read more: https://bit.ly/3bSoc0A
Flood in Kelantan
Pen Petroleum initiated a flood relief fund during the recent floods (Dec 2014) in East Coast. A total of 52,000 ringgit was collected over 3 days from retailers, staff and our company directors (who donated 20,000 ringgit).
The money was presented to the Caltex Kelantan Retailers Association to be distributed to Pen’s retailers 1,000 ringgit to support their staff who were affected by the food shortage, however, they have the option to re-donate it back to the Association to support the severely affected Caltex retailers whose stations were flooded.
The balance of 33,000 ringgit was handed to the Association for it to assist their affected members.
We appreciate the generous contributions from Pen’s nationwide retailers, our staff and directors, and are pleased that the affected retailers are back in business now.
* Please click on image to enlarge.
Visit to Persatuan Kebajikan Kanak-kanak Cacat Yee Ren Jing Sheh
Pen Petroleum Sdn Bhd visited the centre in Bukit Mertajam and learned its operations including the children’s welfare. The centre cares for handicapped children who have been neglected and abandoned by their families. Our staff interacted with the children and provided food and essentials to them.
* Please click on image to enlarge.
Bringing Chinese New Year cheer to the elderly
Pen Petroleum Sdn Bhd visited this charity old folks’ home during the holiday season. We prepared and served food to the senior citizens, played games and gave away mandarin oranges. The home cares for senior citizens who have been neglected by their families.
* Please click on image to enlarge.
Economic Transformation Programme – TUKAR & ATOM
Pen Petroleum Sdn Bhd supports its associate company, HYL Marketing Sdn Bhd, in its consultancy roles for the government’s economic transformation programme i.e.TUKAR (Small Retailer Transformation) and ATOM (Automotive Workshop Modernisation) by modernizing and equipping retail outlets to cater to the expectations and needs of their customers. Pen Petroleum Sdn Bhd extends its staff and office space to help its associate company in this consultancy and execution program. We view this support towards HYL Marketing Sdn Bhd as our corporate social responsibility.
AR Baq Enterprise
No. 302, Pmtg Tok Bidan, Kepala Batas, Kawasan S.P.U. Penang.
* Please click on image to see the ‘Before & After’ transformation.